tui-rs, redux-rs, and tree-xml

  • 2022-11-28

Some years ago, I was exploring some terminal UI Javascript libraries, and discovered Blessed. It looked fantastic, however, it only runs around 15 minutes and dies because of poor memory management.

I have been thinking about doing it in a static typed language, for sometime. And I thought I could try that in Rust.

So I found tui-rs, redux-rs, tree-xml. I am still trying to "glue" these together, so that I can write programs in tui, in Javascript.

Eventually, what I want to create is something like a react-native-tui.

It's not as easy as it looks, though with some key ingredients already at hand.

FTX Bankruptcy Timeline

  • 2022-11-07

The Beginning of the Event

This event started on a @whale_alert Tweet, indicating 22,999,999 #FTT (approximately 500k in USD) was transfered from an unknown wallet to Binance, followed with Binance CEO CZ @cz_binance retweeting it: Yes, this is a part of it. And in previous tweets, CZ also said:

As part of Binance's exit from FTX equity last year, Binance received roughly $1.2 billion USD equivalent in cash (BUSD and FTT). Due to recent revelations that have came to light, we have decided to liquidate any remaining FTT on our books.

We will try to do so in a way that minimizes market impact. Due to market conditions and limited liquidity, we expect this will take a few months to complete.

Binance always encourage collaboration between industry players. Regarding any speculation asd to whether this is a move against a competitior, it is not. Our industry is in it's nascency and every time a project publicly fails it hurts every user and every platform.

We typically hold tokens for the long term. And we have held on to this token for this long. We stay transparent with our actions.

And this tweet has triggered a chain reaction, and eventually led to the collapse (insolvency) of two of the companies founed by SBF(Sam Bankman-Fried): FTX Group and Alameda Research. Most of the siginificant events that follows will be put down into this document cronical order as it unfolds.

Then Alameda Research CEO Caroline Tweets

A few notes on the balance sheet info that has been circulating recently: 
- that specific balance sheet is for a subset of our corporate entities, we have >$10b of assets that aren't reflected there.
- the balance sheet breaks out a few of our biggest long positions; we obviously have hedges that aren't listed.
- given the tightening in the crypto credit space this year we've returned most of our loans by now.

SBF tweeted something else (about a new feature)

  • 2022-11-10

FTX suspends addition of new clients and withdrawals

  • Some Facts:

    • SBF was worth $26b at peak time.

    • SBF was a part of Effective Altruism movement / belief. (Source: Sequoia)

    • FTX and Binance were at war with eachother (Long thread by Alex Valaitis)

    • Dirty Bubble Media Link

    • High volume on FTX, lots of investment, buying Robinhood, contacted ElonMusk, Twitter legal dispute, showing Elon Musk raising money trying to spend $3b, he had a large amout of money to play with, Structual Ownership, and prop shop entity (alameda research), operate exchange under same ownership. Hedge Fund is breaching the wall, be able to protect stop losses, anybody can make a lot of money. Indication is successful, wouldn't touch that platform, citidal & robinhood, online poker in god mod. cleared the trades, fast what retail is against, illiquid assets, short some token. Alemeda is market making on FTX. FTX has a $10B hole, put risk on client funds. Initial story is that they are illiquid, withdrawal was off the charts, Initially was stay calm, some people are pointing out discrepencies. CZ at Binance said that ultimately he wouldn't invest.

    • It's okay for share brokrages to loan the share to someone. They are lending the share, for exchanges people don't like that. Collect interest. Lend the dollars on margin lending. There are yield instument 0.5% for Bitcoin, dollars 10% or more. Then there is the #FTT, token, it's like a structured share product, a dividen and a share buy back. Revenue of exchange commitions 30% to buy back FTT and burn them. Very unusual type of share, and you get trading discount. Securitized revenue sharing agreement. They created a lot of these and they created lots of them.

  • Must of the shares were owned by Alemeda(FTT) Traded on exchanges, put it in a basket buy bitcoin of it. They won't end up loss on the exchange. Assumption is that alemeda is using god mod given themselves, no hard liquidition. Norminal Collateral take out positions.

  • That doesn't explain why the client funds are missing. They could buy dollars using FTT as collateal, with a rationale in their mind the bitcoin is still there. And there is FTT there. That's pretty bad, SOBTC, Solana wrapped BTC 16k BTC. 300 Million, so that soBTC is managed by FTX.

  • Chapter 11 is protection from creditors. Liquidate. SBF has resigned, a new CEO, they guy was the Enron Bankruptcy manager. Try to liquidate with all assets.

  • Mt.Gox case, it's 8 years.


  • Took snapshot, they would assign some part of the revenue to buy back. Hold on to them. If the coins were recovered. It was fast, and for individuals it's highly preferable. That's preferable, even if the exchange has lost the brand, it still could give people immediate access to what's left. Filed for Chapter 11, it's too late don't get anything back until accounting is finished.

  • Operator has lost trust.

  • Made so much noise with regulators, meet and greets with top tier regulators. When BFX did the method, there was less on shore regulations. Lacks 3AC, Voyager. There is no way to know even if there is third party audit. Tether mass redemption. Buying BTC with fake dollars, auditors. Mistake is more likely trading mistakes. Trading with very illiquid asset. Collect yield by lending client assets, solvent but not liquid.

  • Trade, don't put more than 10% of your funds on an exchange. Most Defi token are like that, all varients of Luna.

  • Dangerous to use illiquid tokens for collateral.

  • Carefully managed brand image, 200M by Sequoia, Therons high profile board members.

  • Brings product to the market very quickly

Revisiting Substrate

After 2 years, it is time to sit down and get substrate compiled again. The framework has changed a lot with literally thousands of commits around the clock. The architecture fundamentally changed, and many essential components are either further moved into higher abstract layers of libraries, or removed.

Here are the steps to get substrate compiled:

  1. Make sure that all the dependencies are installed. (In this article, Fedora 36 is the chosen platform.)
  • Install Rust & nightly
# download rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# switch to the nightly version
rustup default nightly

# update
rustup update
  • Install WASM Compiler

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

  • Install Other Dependencies


sudo dnf install protobuf-compiler


sudo dnf install g++


sudo dnf install clang

  1. Get the source code

Clone the source from github

git clone && cd substrate


cargo +nightly build --release

Wait for the compile, (depends on how fast the machine is)

And at Last,

cargo run -- --dev

If everything is done right, the following strings will appear on the terminal.

2022-11-11 13:08:07 Substrate Node
2022-11-11 13:08:07 ✌️  version 3.0.0-dev-a1dee7ecd2a
2022-11-11 13:08:07 ❤️  by Parity Technologies <>, 2017-2022
2022-11-11 13:08:07 📋 Chain specification: Development
2022-11-11 13:08:07 🏷  Node name: huge-reason-1707
2022-11-11 13:08:07 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2022-11-11 13:08:07 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/substratelipvJS/chains/dev/db/full
2022-11-11 13:08:07 ⛓  Native runtime: node-268 (substrate-node-0.tx2.au10)

And yes, compiling the stock node for local development is done here.

  • What's next ?

If someone only wants to do some smart contract development, the local test node is more than enough to meet the basic needs.

Or, if further modification to the blockchain itself is needed (for example, changing the consensus algorism) the sourcecode itself needs to be modified. And this will be written about in future articles.

dwm Setup (Part 1)

Continued from Part 0, in this part the following topics will be covered:

  • barpadding
  • wallpapers

Applying the patch "Barpadding"

Applying the patch will likely end up in failure, since the patch is made for a previous version of dwm, and some slight change in one of the lines in the file dwm.c made the patching command fail.

So, the next step is to make some changes to "patch the patch". Now it is time to modify this file: dwm-barpadding-20211020-a786211.diff, which could be downloaded from this page.

then do the following change:

-static int bh, blw = 0; /* bar geometry */
+static int bh = 0; /* bar height */

This is will make it possible to apply the patch.

When the patch succeeds, do:

sudo make install

Setting Wallpaper

Install feh

sudo dnf install -y feh

Edit ~/.dwm/ insert the following:

feh --no-fehbg --bg-fill ~/path/to/your/wallpaper

In the end, press Ctrl + Shift + Q to restart dwm and we are done.

In the next part, I will try to reconfiture dmenu and try using lemonbar as the status bar.

dwm Setup (Part 0)

Installing DWM on Fedora 36

First install the Xinerama Library, which does not come by default.

sudo dnf upgrade
sudo dnf install libXinerama


# get dwm source code
git clone git://

Patching DWM for specific features

The following patches are going to be applied:

Useless-Gap creates some gaps between screens on the desktop layout.

The autostart patch runs within the ~/.dwm/ folder when dwm initializes.

Next download the following patches: (commands listed below are for the latest patches as of the year 2022)

mkdir patches && cd patches

Apply the patches

cd dwm
git apply ../patches/*.patch

Compile and Install

sudo make install

Now, we have dwm with gaps and autostart.

In the next part, how to add custom status bar and wallpapers will be covered.

Seven Year Old Alienware with Fedora

Seven Year Old Alienware with Fedora

Some history with the Alienware laptop

I have been using this Alienware 13 R2 for almost 7 years since 2015. It was (and still) a very powerful machine that ran Windows 7, I don't do much of developing work, but rather prefered playing games on it. "Fallout 4" was the popular game then. The Alienware runs without any issue. I've taken this laptop with myself to Japan, and over the years, it wears out. I have replaced the ssd, the battery and so it's still running after seven years.

Fedora, DWM & Alacritty

At the moment, after moving out of Japan. I decided to use the Alienware laptop more like a desktop, hooking up 2 32-inch monitors to it. Since I'm no longer needing to play games on it (World of Warcraft runs more smoother on my Macbook Pro with a Radeon Graphics Card), I installed Fedora as my daily runner.

I ditched GNOME because it is huge and consumes lots of memories, I used dmw from and it seems that I there are some more configuration todo:

  • DWM Status Bar
    • WIFI
    • Battery
    • Current Time
  • Power Management
    • Automatic hibernation when docked
    • Dual Screen Monitor detection
    • Lid Open / Close detection
  • Login Manager
    • Light Weight Login Manager

Hope I can finish doing this in the next few days.

Last day of the 20th National Congress CCP

Notable news today

HJT dragged out of the national congress during the meeting.

The Independent

Abema Times

英短期政権(Liz Truss)終わる


  • 英短期政権が終わる

金融市場が揺れる中、英国トラス(Liz Truss)政権が僅か6週間で終わりに迎えた。


  • USD/JPY = 150円台


Japanese Currency Concern (Article Clip)



来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。















关于利差和汇率的关系,参考:俄罗斯银行为什么决定要将利率提高到 20% ,会带来怎样的影响?








做空日元,或者说做多 USDJPY 本质上是融资日元,然后卖出日元并且持有美元的一个结构。比如我有148万日元我最多只能卖出这么多日元获得1万美元。但对于汇率市场而言,我可以卖出1480万日元获得10万美元,我需要支付1480万日元本金的利息,但我可以获得10万美元对应的利息。因为等金额的美元利息要高于日元(也就是上面说的美日利差),所以这一笔杠杠投机做空交易不但没有持仓成本,反而有正收益,我们通常叫「正CARRY」。




做空一个收益率只有0.25%的国债几乎是能想象到的风险收益比最好的交易。如果日本央行维持住了国债的收益率,那么只用支付0.25%,如果国债收益率崩塌导致日本财政破产,那么这个国债空投的收益会是爆炸的。潜在的 PAY-OFF 是简直不能更好。










News Clip 2022-10-19

Notable news today

  1. 【速報】ウクライナの首都キーウで爆発 2日連続の攻撃か 一部地域で停電や断水も

  2. ロシア軍用機墜落、死者15人に 南部クラスノダール地方

  3. Labor reverses decision to recognise West Jerusalem as Israel capital